ACF Update 5/24/21
Today we processed the the final payment from the logger for the forest management project at the ACF and I thought I’d share the summary of the wood harvested. A full run-down can be found on the spreadsheet below. Net income generated from the project was $14,312.06. Gross income was $15,221.26 but $909.20 was deducted from the last payment for the hemlock logs that were sawn on-site for trail bridges and a truckload of firewood donated to Wood for Good. 98 cords of firewood and 84.43 MBF (thousand board feet) of sawtimber was cut; Of the sawtimber, the two most harvested species were red oak (36.42 MBF) and white pine (29.851 MBF) followed by red maple (12.849 MBF). An array of other species were harvested in amounts less than 2 MBF. The logger will be completing his close-out in mid-June, after which the contract will be completed and his security deposit will be returned to him. We also have completed the final mappi...